Talent on loan from God…

In the early 1990’s radio ruled. Well before Spotify or Apple music was the norm, most of us flipped through the available stations searching for our favorite tunes. Or later what would soon take over the airwaves; talk radio!

As I traveled the gulf coast in the medical device sales industry for over a decade, my car was a mobile office. The territory I covered was quite large, from southern Mississippi, Alabama, to the Florida panhandle. A radio signal would last for miles then quickly turn into static. Compact disk players were a prerequisite back in the day, as those annoying mini plastic “albums” seemed to accumulate everywhere. Yet during a late night drive home to avoid another moldy motel, I discovered a new and entertaining genre…

I think radio reception is improved at night, and it had to be midnight or later when I stumbled upon a deep voice from “somewhere in the desert”, the late great Art Bell. His show Coast to Coast AM was right down my alley, as I’d had an “experience” relative to one of his favorite topics; U.F.O.’s.

The miles and time flew by faster than a wormhole to a distant galaxy, as Art would convincingly tell tales of just about everything paranormal. From aliens to things that go bump in the night, his guests were often as compelling as the host! Eye witnesses and astronomers, authors and pseudo scientists from every corner of the country had their story to tell.

Yet as fascinating as this late night show was, I needed something for the long drives during the daylight hours. Something or someone with a message that would motivate me, make me think and feel that my mission in life has meaning, that I’m really not alone. I can’t recall the exact day or even what year it was that I discovered him, but I do recall it came soon after I’d purchased my first home in Mobile, Alabama. Bill Clinton had just been elected President, I had accepted my third corporate medical device sales position with a company I should have passed on, and of course I broke up with my second fiancĂ©. Life was grand and the hits just kept coming…

As well, I vividly recall that first pay check I received with my new job. See my past appointments included salary, commission, expenses, and one even a company car. The new gig was straight commission, no expenses, and lots of responsibilities. The old school pager would go off every morning often before sunrise, with demanding G.I. lab technicians expecting you to jump now!

Tax shock was how I explained it to others, as almost 50% was withheld from that initial monthly payday. It was a year-end commission and quite large, but not something to be expected regularly. After travel expenses, including gas, hotel, meals, the math didn’t look good. I told a friend I was supporting several single parent households with the taxes taken from me…

It was too late to turn back as I’d stupidly sold my cute affordable house and built a new one on a golf course community across the bay. The golden handcuffs were tightly applied as I tried to find a way to get through the day. Like a sign from above, on the same AM station where I found Art Bell, I heard his booming voice call out;

One hand tied behind my back, just to make it even. Live behind the EIB golden microphone, with talent on loan from God, it’s the Rush Limbaugh show!

I was mesmerized, completely hooked, from the moment I heard his confident and convincing broadcast. As if listening to a lifelong friend and confidant, he addressed every national issue that had tormented me. Taxes of course, political correctness, the media and our newly elected President and his interesting wife. My career was in the crosshairs of the new administration with something called “Hillary Care”, as more government regulation in healthcare was on the immediate horizon.

Rush kept me positive with his humor, energy and conservative logic. I tried to do the bulk of my travel during his show, as his commentary and his callers reminded me that America is still, the greatest country on earth! I would often complain about the political climate and obscene growth of our bloated government. Listening to his show would lift my spirits on a daily basis and restore my faith in our people and Republic!

I actually had the honor to speak with Rush live on his show, thanking him for what he does for freedom and the American way! Surprisingly I wasn’t nervous as it was like talking with an older brother, thanking him for having my back, and wishing I could simply give back to him…

As the years rolled on with multiple relocations, business opportunities came and went, but Rush was like an anchor. Always there at the same time, with another excursion into broadcast excellence. He proclaimed that you can achieve whatever you desire, regardless of race, ethnicity, family circumstances, or your current financial situation. As long as you believe in yourself, have a distinct goal, and work hard. The American dream is alive and well, as the pursuit of happiness can always be achieved, no matter who occupies the White House.

I pray for your loved ones and those like me that will miss you tremendously. I’m certain as you passed through the pearly gates, there was a golden EIB microphone waiting for you to entertain and educate all the angels in heaven, as you did here on earth. Hope you get to play golf every day, with the greats of the game, like Hogan and Snead! Maybe one day, I’ll get to tee it up with you on the greatest golf course in the universe. RIP Rush…