BIG government small business

As President Obama prepares for yet another teleprompter tour, this time to spin how his big government policies are “working”, small business in America begs to differ, as they are not. On his weekly radio/internet propaganda address this Labor Day weekend, the leader of the “Regime” reminded us of all the good work he was done, and what is yet to come…

So this Labor Day, we should recommit ourselves to our time-honored values and to this fundamental truth: To heal our economy, we need more than a healthy stock market; we need bustling Main Streets and a growing, thriving middle class. That’s why I will keep working day by day to restore opportunity, economic security and that basic American dream for our families and future generations.- Barack Hussein Obama, 9/4/2010

Rep. Geoff Davis (R-KY), responding to the Presidential “spin”, criticized nearly 200 pending rules and regulations as a threat to job creation. Davis said many of the mandates would cost small-business owners who don’t have the money or time to comply with them.

The sooner we rein in the red-tape factory in Washington, D.C., the sooner small businesses can get back to creating jobs and helping more Americans find an honest day’s work.– NPR

Try as they may, the spin masters at the White House and their minions in the “Lame stream Media” will cook the books like a corrupt C.E.O., proclaiming success from all their drunken spending. The true engine of our economy is not primed by more “stimulus”, Mr. President, or by more theoretical concepts based on failed policy. No sir, Small Business growth is the only answer to a potential “post summer of recovery”, and just ask anyone that has the guts to still own one.

With all the billions spent on “reinvestment acts” small business remains stagnant. Maybe the big labor unions experienced some benefits from all the bailouts and buy-offs, but even getting a loan these days is an act of Congress for the small business owner…

Today, more small businesses are unable to get financing than at any time in the last 17 years,” said Todd McCracken, president of the Washington-based advocacy group, in a statement. “Given the direct correlation between access to capital and job growth, unless small-business owners are able to secure financing, we will continue to see high unemployment. – NuWire Investing

See, here’s a short lesson on business 101 for those of you that still think ObamaCare means “free” health care, or that it’s a “right”. Someone has to pay for it folks, and guess what, nothing happens until there is a SALE. Obama had to “sell” us all on how his fine group of leftists knew how to “reform” 1/6 of our economy, most with little or no experience in the private sector, let alone in health care. With unemployment oblivious to big government intervention, our “Community-Organizer-In-Chief” has forgotten that something has to be sold, and someone has to buy…

Weak sales, weak sales, weak sales,” says William Dunkelberg, chief economist for NFIB, which has many small-business members. “When you hire someone, they have to generate enough sales to cover the expense of hiring them, or you are in trouble. – Christian Science Monitor

Big government produces nothing, and sells only pipe dreams. They hope that they have all the answers, and the change they have sold to us has suffocated small business. If you really want to “heal the economy” Mr. President, get out of the way and go play golf, again…