Find your game before you lose your mind…

I actually discovered the great game of golf after years of dribbling away my free time playing basketball. As a kid born in Upstate N.Y. I loved the Knicks and later the Celtics led by the legendary Larry Bird. There was nothing like the wars on the hardwood waged between the Lakers, the Bulls or the Pistons. I spent more time than I like to admit through college and beyond jacking up shots and pretending I could play in the NBA…

When a real job in medical sales demanded my time, I was introduced to something perhaps more appropriate than high tops and “who’s got next” at my local YMCA. Back in the day before the FDA and federal regulations prohibited taking a physician prospect to play 18, golf was a way to build rapport and establish a relationship. Playing good golf was quite frankly a prerequisite to earning a sales position for some companies, as much business was conducted between the tee shots and the greens.

Yet it wasn’t the career opportunities that drove me to the nearest golf course instead of the gym, but a never ending quest to find my game, before I lost my mind…

My obsession with this new game began with an instructor way ahead of the curve in 1994. He had a video system on wheels tapped into a software program that didn’t lie. Frustration mounted after dozens of lessons as I strived for perfection never to be realized.

The methodology he promoted was based on physics and dozens of positions achieved by strokes, standards, or “procedures”. It was far from what I’d learned playing traditional sports and difficult to reproduce, at least for the beginner trying to “find his game”…

So after almost 2 years of the “Golfing Machine” lessons it was clear I was about to lose my mind. Some would say that I already had, as my career and social life began to implode. How could this seemingly simple game cause such a mess in a mans existence one might ask?

Golf strips you naked” my instructor would often proclaim, and I believe he was right. Character traits are exposed during the 4 hours or so spent hitting the little white ball, as the average amateur cant break 100 if they play it as it lies and count every stroke…

Far too many of us amateur golfers have been deceived and mislead by all the conflicting misinformation. I wish the PGA or USGA could do something to standardize all the swing systems and methods. I’ve tried them all fellow hackers, so stay tuned as I will try to help you all “find your game before you lose your mind”…. is now live, as well as the digital book detailing 25 year search for the perfect swing. Endorsed by 2 Class A PGA professionals, I sincerely hope it can help those seeking to “find their game”!