Scars into Stars

From our Moms to marketing mentors, coaches and colleagues, they all say it’s OK to fail. Just keep trying and do your best, “nothing ventured nothing gained”, right? Along the way you will certainly pay, in either price or pain, but there is always something to gain…

As many of you may also say, I have all the books, from “Think & and Grow Rich” to everything published promising a better day. Yet there is one simple thing no book you can guarantee, or theory you try will replicate; experience…

There is no doubt in my mind that success is nothing more than a “numbers game”, the longer you stay and the more you play, your chances increase. Practice does indeed make perfect, regardless of what you might think.

Malcolm Gladwell wrote a fabulous book in 2008, “Outliers: The Story of Success” in which he documents that achievement does not come simply from what God gives you at birth, but many other factors. His “10,000 hour rule” claims that the best of the best work harder and put in the time; 10,000 hours that is…

I’ve personally observed prominent business owners, professional athletes, and everyday people that most would describe as “successful”. To a person they have all “done the numbers”, and extended themselves far beyond just showing up for a job and spending the evenings watching the latest reality show.

In fact, they believe that if you don’t have the battle “scars” to show, you probably wont ever be able to tow what is required to really go to the top. As someone with many “scars”, that day my business partner and I opened a “fortune cookie” reminding us that we could turn them into “stars”, we knew that success couldn’t be that far…

Ironically, we created a brand for topical scar reduction, Transdermis that madeĀ  it from “conception to CVS”. Even our great product could not hide the evidence of our long hard ride. As we begin a new path, a resurrection it seems, I still have the scars and the faith that stars will result from believing in the dream.