Greed is good, but gridlock is better

The cinema classic “Wall Street”, starring Michael Douglas and bad boy Charlie Sheen, exposed the ugly underside of high finance. Creative writing certainly had a key role in the film, but it did make something other than the actors famous with one of the most memorable quotes in movie history…

Greed is Good – Gordon Gekko, 1987

As the remake hits theaters across a recession riddled America, “Wall Street 2” reminds me of an era gone by, where New York City was the financial capital of the world, and “Greed” was indeed, good. At least when it came to what used to be the American Dream, and what was possible if you worked hard and took risks. In the new normal of “hope and change”, any business outside ofWashington is targeted as “evil”, and penalized for its success…

The Obama administration and his team of liberal theorists continue to blame Wall Street and big business for the economic collapse, ignoring the role played by big government. Actually, diverting attention away from the failures of federal programs is a fairly effective strategy, if all you believe is what the mainstream media tells you…

Acting as if Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae had nothing to do with the real estate crisis, or that forcing banks to lend money to unqualified applicants was a sound government policy, the President is playing Houdini. His magic act is wearing thin and many in his own party wish he would disappear. The Democrats have had control of all three branches of government since his crowning as “King of The Free World”. Tricking voters once again will require all his horses and all his men. Even then, I doubt they will be able to put Obama back together again…

So if “Greed” is bad (according to our Community-Organizer-In-Chief), and 8 years Republican policy that “got us into this mess in the first place”, what must the ruling class think of “Gridlock”. Well they better be prepared because if the mid-term elections play out as expected, everything from ObamaCare, to blaming Bush may come grinding to a halt.

Ask any small business owner, ‘fat cat’ investor, or even the unemployed looking for work, confidence in the U.S.economy is at all time low…

Sixty-six percent (66%) of consumers say the U.S. economy is in a recession, a view shared by 64% of investors. Among consumers, 31% say economic conditions in the country are getting better, while 39% of investors say the same. The plurality of both consumers and investors say the economy is getting worse. – Rasmussen Reports, 10/10/10

So much for “Federal Stimulus” and the repeated attempts to inject confidence in anything proposed or forced upon the country. “Gridlock” may be our only hope to shut down the Obama Machine, and move the economy forward. Historical evidence abounds as to the benefits our Founding Fathers included in the constitution relative to “checks and balances”.

1994 is an excellent example, with President William Jefferson Clinton in the White house, while Republicans controlled congress. Fortunately, the Senate was also in the majority for the private sector friendly, free marketers on the “Right” side of the political aisle. Again, ask any business owner, entrepreneur, or middle class American that actually had a job back in the day. What we wouldn’t give to go back to the lip biting, “feeling our pain”. I never thought I would say this, but I miss Bill and Hillary…

So-called “Gridlock” put the clamps on Hillary’s attempted takeover of 1/6th of our economy, as divided government did not allow any massive bills to be “passed so we can see what was in them”. The Democratic President was forced, by the very design of our constitution, to move towards the center, as welfare reform and tax cuts became priorities, rather than bailouts and bloated government spending.

The economy grew each and every time that government did LESS, not more, and what we have now is just the opposite. Additionally, perhaps the Feds do better when they focus on that which they can do well, like the military and building roads and bridges. Social engineering and redistribution of wealth seems to subside some when “Gridlock” is in effect, as OUR money is not wasted on failed programs and misdirected policy…

Unified governments spend far more, and more quickly, and expand regulation much more than split governments do. Programs sail through, the dollar is jeopardized, and investors seek real assets like gold to counteract the political risks of an activist government. – Kurt Brouwer, Financial Expert

I agree with Gordon Gekko, “Greed is good”, as long as it’s in the hands of those who earned it the hard way can spend it directly into the economy, then “trickles down” indirectly to those that serve in the private sector. “Gridlock”, keeps the government out of the free market, out of our wallets, and where they belong, working for US, “We the People”.

The Liberals disguising themselves as “Progressives” believe that government is the answer to all that ails us. Quoting the late great President Reagan…

Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem – Ronald Reagan

Greed creates jobs; Gridlock keeps the government from getting too big and intrusive. They can blame the corporations, the greedy rich, or 8 years of Bush, but nothing is more ineffective and out of control than theU.S.government…

And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. – Gordon Gekko, Wall Street