Living in “Ozombie” land

I had just watched one of those great “escape” movies the other night, you know, when you have had enough of Nobel Peace Prizes being awarded to anybody with a pulse, so long as they are in “the club”. “Zombieland”, starring Woody Harrelson, not only took me away from the clutter of this invasive administration, but reminded me of where politics has taken our country, or at least those “infected”…

Zombies are really unique creatures, blindly following their basal instincts. See, they lose their sense of self after they are “infected”, and have only one objective as they move in packs like lemurs; to eat the brains of the living…

I sometimes wonder if those blindly following President Obama off the proverbial cliff are zombies, “Ozombies” if you will. He can seem to do no wrong, regardless of the issue, as his followers spout the party “talking points”. “Stimulus” is now termed a “safety net”, guess it’s needed to catch all those dead bodies dying on the streets from lack of “health care”. The infected now scream “choice and competition” on every state run media outlet, as if the new phrase has an air born element transmitted to the masses.

For the time being, I live in the great white north of upstate NY, teaming with liberal zombies searching for logical brains to eat. The numbers are dwindling up here, as the temperatures drop and those that can think for themselves escape the “climate change” ravaging the northeast. Hell, it was almost 55 today, so the zombies in congress better get that Cap and Trade bill passed fast, or the great Adirondacks will go up in flames…

I used to think that all politics are local, but not anymore, not even in the remote areas of the country. Especially with this national virus contaminating the minds of those “chattering classes” out there, right Senator Schumer?

Case in point is a retired “Ozombie” I met recently from rural Vermont. I will call him “Mr. Green”. Mr. Green is a former physician, who proudly displays his “Obama ‘08” bumper sticker on the rear window of his SUV. Having had the “pleasure” of meeting him on several occasions, I could no longer restrain myself from asking him about all that “hope and change” he voted for. Politely, I asked him if I could pose a political question, regarding President Obama. “Of course Chris”, was his reply, as his eyes glazed over and drool seemed to form in the corners of his mouth….

We were at the golf course, so I had a 9 iron in hand, just in case, you know how those infected can react to logic. My first question was answered with the typical liberal response. “Obama is a great man, and he inherited a mess”. I inquired what specifically makes him a “great man”, and what he has done to offset the “mess” he acquired since his election. I received no real answer, other than the “1.7 trillion dollar deficit”, supposedly caused completely by “the war”….

As if reading off a teleprompter in his mind, Mr. Green moved into his next talking point, that “Bush” was to blame for all that ails the country, the economy, and all the rainy cold weather we had this season. I strengthened my grip on my club as he seemed to lose focus on my questions and appeared to be staring at my neck. He began to tell me of how “Medicare saved my practice”, back in 1965, since none of his patients could afford to pay him. But then he let it slip that many of his colleagues still in practice were having a hard time with all the “Medicare cut backs”, caused by Bush of course.

I saw an opening, as he swayed a bit off balance, seemingly tapping into some genetic homing device telling him what to say and do. “Mr. Green, doesn’t the federal government run Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, even the Post Office? Why do you want them taking over 1/7 of the economy, and controlling the entire health care system? Haven’t they bankrupted pretty much everything they get their hands on?” Mr. Green shot back with the “war” thing again; “Bush created all this”, and started losing focus. I reminded him that Democrats have controlled Congress since 2007 and that Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, to no avail…

It was clear that my words, my questions, and my sincere desire to understand his thinking were in vain. He was an “Ozombie”, and his only intention was to follow the pack and eat living brains, since his was obviously not working.