Children of the corn
If you’re even moderately interested in your health, and believe that “you are what you eat”, you might want to watch out for the “Children of the Corn”…
A seemingly harmless “ingredient”, corn is now in almost everything. I became a “label reader” years ago, after “discovering” that most processed foods contain more substances than a chemist could identify. Yet “High Fructose Corn Syrup” seems to be the “filler” of our age…
Everything from breakfast cereal to beer contains corn in one form or another. Even my favorite southern sausage “Jimmy Dean”, has “corn syrup” as an ingredient. How could this be, as what the heck does corn have to do with pork?
After further research, it’s quite clear, as “corn” appears to be the new savior for our over zealous environmentally conscious society. You see, the EPA, the FDA, and the nanny state lovers in our over-reaching federal government seem to think; Corn is whats good for us all…
If you haven’t noticed, as gas prices fluctuate and rise to prices higher than a corn field in late summer, “Ethanol” (ethyl alcohol), is pumped into our autos every day. It was designed to increase gas mileage and reduce “green house” emissions. In fact, corn based additives intended to fuel the U.S. economy has done nothing but get in the way of progress, yet again…
So why this fascination with corn; just follow the money. Corn is cheap, the federal government has offered “subsidies” for farmers to grow it, and food processor’s are eating it up…
Perhaps the biggest culprit of this corn obsession is the soft drink industry. Again, just read whats on your “Can” before you consume. Try as they may, (with the assistance of the U.S.D.A.), Corn Syrup is the number one source of calories in the American diet. The misinformed citizen of this country may think reducing “Fat” is the key to losing weight, when in fact it’s limiting sugar. In this case, High Fructose Corn Syrup, now infiltrating almost everything in your local grocery store…
Don’t listen to me, just notice the claims on certain brands of bread, jelly, or other food staples, as they exclaim: “No High Fructose Corn Syrup” on the label….
Ask yourself why, as the producers of what we eat, what we put into our cars, and into the mouths our “Children of the Corn” try to hide…